The 27th Day of Love
Memory Verse— 1 John 2:15. Do not love the world.
The Prayer— Help me, O God, to make my love as broad as the family of believers.
The Affirmation— Today I will love everybody.
The Scripture Lesson— 1 John 2:15-19
The Meditation
The love of the world and the love of God is
basically the battle between the love of the
temporal and the love of the timeless.
Shortsighted people are long on worldly love.
Farsighted people are short on the love of
material and long on the love of the eternal.
Jesus had the most perfect balance in his love of
good things in the world and the love of God.
He said, “I am come that you might have life,
and have it more abundantly.” He also said,
“In my Father’s house are many mansions.”
There need be no conflict in these two loves when
we follow Christ.