The 30th Day of Love
Memory Verse— John 21:17. Simon, do you love me?
The Prayer— Lord Jesus, may we hear You call our name today.
The Affirmation— Today I will be listening to Jesus.
The Scripture Lesson— John 21:15-20
The Meditation
It is not difficult to find many people who love
Jesus. But how rare to find someone who loves
Him supremely!
Simon loved Jesus. He was sincere, but h did not
understand the weakness of his own love!
The true test of our love is not what we say with
our lips, but rather, when we are torn, tempted
and tried, and still we stand close to His side.
…When have you proved to Jesus and to
yourself, that you loved Him supremely?
—When you were sick and helpless?
—When you were whole and hopeful?
—When you were sacrificing and serving?
—When you were worshiping and waiting?
Someday He may say to you, “Do you love me?”
Perhaps today—Are you listening?