The 4th Day of Love

Memory Verse—Matthew 19:19. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

The Prayer—Loving Father, help me to be the kind of neighbor that will be easy to love.

The Affirmation—Today I will try to make is easier for others to love me.

The Scripture Lesson- Galatians 5:22-25

The Meditation

To learn how to give is to learn how to live. And we find: The gift of our love in the lift of a life—and so, when we leave the lowlands of the lowly and we are lifted to the highways of the holy, it is always because, someone so freely gave that which another might save—love.


Since all my yesterdays are gone, I know not whether

Tomorrow will ever dawn,

Today as I love, I will give—


This may be the best day to give love

That I shall ever live!