The 40th Day of Love

Memory Verse— 2 Thessalonians 3:5. Direct your hearts to the love of God.

The Prayer— Lord God, set my compass of love toward heaven.

The Affirmation— Today my love is toward God.

The Scripture Lesson— 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

The Meditation

Intelligent Christian love is always directed love.

Careless love can lead to perversion, neglect of

duty and confusion.

Directed love toward God has these elements:

  1. The passion of a purpose.
  2. The devotion of a discipline.
  3. Growth toward a goal.
  4. A sense of direction in a world of confusion.
  5. A faith in the ultimate triumph of goodness.

I direct my love toward God when I worship


I direct my love toward God when I share with

others for Jesus’ sake.

I direct my love toward God when I pray with

adoration and thanksgiving.

I direct my love toward God when I wait on Him

with faith.

I direct my love toward God when I surrender to

Him—every day.