The 53rd Day of Love
Memory Verse— 1 Corinthians 16:24. My love be with all of you in Christ Jesus.
The Prayer— We are thankful, our Father, for all the love Paul left in his life and his writings.
The Affirmation— I will leave love today wherever I go.
The Scripture Lesson— 1 Corinthians 13:1-6
The Meditation
It takes a lot of living and loving in a heart to
make it a home for all people.
Sometimes it takes years to convince others that
we really love them.
If the night of your loving and waiting
Has seemed to you so eternally long,
Just remember God is waiting and loving
with you.
Sometime, somewhere, someday, God will surely
have his way.
He will help you and others to see,
What you were both meant to be
in living a life of love so free.