The 55th Day of Love

Memory Verse— 2 Corinthians 13:11. The God of love and peace will be with you.

The Prayer— We are thankful, out Father, that love and peace go with us forever.

The Affirmation— Today I live on the promise of His peace in the fellowship of His love.

The Scripture Lesson— 2 Corinthians 13:7-11

The Meditation

The world’s greatest problem is how to live in

peace with others.

The crises of peace do not begin at the summit

conferences, they begin in the foothills of

fellowship where people meet each other.

Two people rightly related to each other at this

moment are a part of the solution of the world’s

greatest problem.

Two people wrongly related to each other in this moment

are a part of the world’s greatest problem.

Love and peace are bound together in the wisdom

of God and the highest intelligence of the

human race.

To love our enemies into being our friend is far

more sensible than hating our friends into

being our enemies.

When humankind learns to love together, then all

will know how to live together in peace!