The 58th Day of Love
Memory Verse— Ephesians 3:19. And to know the love of Christ.
The Prayer— Help us to know Christ in surrender that His love may be redemptive and real.
The Affirmation— Today I seek to know Christ better.
The Scripture Lesson— Galatians 3:14-19
The Meditation
Sometimes we want to know the love of Christ
without belonging to Him. To know His love,
you must love Him first, and make Him your
first love.
You can only know this love by the experience of
His love.
You cannot know it by hearing, or reading, or
studying, or teaching, or preaching, or practicing
love. You can only know His love by knowing
Him as Savior and Lord.
Surrender first to Christ, know His love in forgiveness,
in assurance and power; then you
can face life and live it triumphantly!
Maybe this is life’s greatest knowledge, and
heaven's highest wisdom.
Do you know Him?