The 65th Day of Love

Memory Verse— 1 Peter 3:10. For those who desire life.

The Prayer— Save us, our Father, from letting our love become sounding brass.

The Affirmation— Today I will witness through my words and deeds that love is real.

The Scripture Lesson— 1 John 3:18-23

The Meditation

A careless word can cut a heart to the quick and

make a lifetime enemy.

A silent love that is sincere and consistent is far

more eloquent and effective than the gushy

sentiment of loud, shallow praise.

The Bible says, “A soft answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

There is a kind way to speak the truth, and thus

you help the person to whom you speak.

When people are frustrated and angry, sometimes

the sacrament of silent love is both healing

and helpful.

Don’t you imagine Jesus just looked love toward

His disciples, toward the sick, toward His

enemies, many times. People read love in His face

and they knew He cared.

Your face is the window through which your heart

of love can shine to brighten the world.