The 77th Day of Love

Memory Verse— Song of Solomon 8:7. Many waters cannot quench love.

The Prayer— May nothing ever quench my love for You and others.

The Affirmation— Today I will not let my love be drowned by duties.

The Scripture Lesson— Philippians 3:8-10

The Meditation

If love is going to grow in your life, it must have


When loves dies in a home or a friendship, it is

usually not killed deliberately, but dies of

neglect because life becomes too crowded.

Love is never neutral. Love that does not grow

is apt to die. Love can die so quietly you will

not know it until it is too late.

The love that overcomes is the love that is

constantly renewed at the fountain of prayer.

Christian love lives and overcomes because it has

the power of God.

To quench love is to refuse to let it have expression.

This is one great reason why it is so important

to keep on saying “I love you”, and to keep on

doing deeds of love.