The 78th Day of Love

Memory Verse— Amos 5:15. Hate evil and love good.

The Prayer— Help me, O God, to know what is my part in keeping myself in love with You.

The Affirmation— Today I will keep faith with Him who loves me.

The Scripture Lesson— Jude 1:21-25

The Meditation

Since God’s love has moral requirements, both for the Creator and the creature, it is well for us to remember that we must not trifle with His love.

There is a type of belief that puts everything on God and makes man a puppet. This is foolish and self-deceiving.

There is a self-sufficient humanism that makes man his own savior, and thus he thinks he does not need God’s love.

You keep in God’s redemptive love by prayer, daily Bible reading, continued surrender, and fellowship in worship with loving people.

To keep in His love means to keep in the consciousness of His divine presence.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”