The 79th Day of Love

Memory Verse— Ephesians 3:17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.

The Prayer— Help me, O lord, to go deep in my experience of love with You.

The Affirmation— Today I will give attention to the hidden roots of love.

The Scripture Lesson— Ephesians 3:14-19

The Meditation

Sometimes we try to grow the fruits of Christian love from un-Christian trees—this cannot be done. There is a direct relationship between the roots and the fruits of love.

Roots of love must be grounded in the truth of God, the Bible and human nature.

Love that tries to grow in the shallow ground of doubt, cynicism and materialism is headed for death.

Ground your love in the faith that GOD IS LOVE.

Ground your love in the faith that love is the highest intelligence known to man.

When the fruits of love are sought apart from the roots of love, then you may have a cut-flower religion.

Most of the roots of a tree are hidden. So are the great roots of love as the grow deep in God’s eternal truths.