The 82nd Day of Love
Memory Verse— 1 John 4:11. Since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.
The Prayer— We are thankful that we can love together and live together.
The Affirmation— I will live in the fellowship of love.
The Scripture Lesson— Hebrews 13:1-6
The Meditation
It is easier to continue in personal love than it is to continue in corporate love. As a rule, it is easier to continue love in a small group than in a large group.
The ultimate challenge of this great corporate love is to know and experience this love for the whole world as one fellowship.
We learn to live together by living together.
We learn to love together by loving together.
The comradeship of a common hope may unite a nation to fight.
The comradeship of a common hope may unite us to work.
But it takes the comradeship of Christ to heal our differences, to forgive our sins, to creatively unite us in love and continue us in brotherly love.
Together in Christ we live.
Together in Christ we love.