The 90th Day of Love

Memory Verse— Hosea 11:4.

The Prayer— Help us, our Father, to love others as freely as You have loved us.

The Affirmation— I want to come into the freedom of boundless love—today!

The Scripture Lesson— Hosea 11:1-4, 3:1-3

The Meditation

When I take the limits off of my love,

This His love, as Savior, takes the limits off me,

and then,

I am free to love freely!

Because He is loving freely through me.


I find that when I give love freely, I have more

love to freely give.

A lot of good people

Do not seem to know

That when you have love

You’ve got to let it go!

When you continually

Refuse to let love go,

You may be assured

Your love will not grow!

More loves come in

To the heart that lets it out!

And it is only then

We know what life is about!

The more freely we give,

The more joyously we live

In our thoughts, our deeds,

Our words and our creeds!

Let us give love away!

Let us remember

Freely you have received;

Freely give.